Friday, March 7

uggghhh...I am sick. I felt pretty woozy when I woke up this morning, but chalked it up to getting so little sleep. after class I hung out with carra and ashley for a couple hours, and we eventually went out to dinner. while we talked I could actually feel myself getting progressively more sniffly and headachy and sneezy until this evening I realized that it was a full-blown cold. at least, I hope that's all it is...every year I say I should get a flu shot but don't. but let's not talk like that. I'm sure it's nothing more serious than the bubonic plague. but I've been lying around in my pyjamas and moaning a lot; it seems to be my mission in life for the moment.

last I heard bryan was stuck in carrboro with a dead car. josh couldn't pick him up (too much work), I couldn't pick him up (too much snot), ali couldn't pick him up (too much lack of license/car). I dunno what he's done about his situation. note to readers: get AAA cards, for cryin in the bucket. sure it's like a whole $30 a year, but you never know when you'll need it.

so gabe's still moving back to santa fe this month, but NOW he's planning to move BACK here in december. aroo? well, I guess the work experience he can get at home will help him land something here. and I certainly won't complain about having him around.

carra was nice enough to let me sponge off her considerable cd collection, so maybe I'll listen to something besides rilo kiley for a change, maybe not. I've put too much mental energy into my r.k. obsession to drop it just yet. mazzy star, rufus wainwright et al. will wait patiently for me, I'm sure.

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