Thursday, April 10

hooray for all-nighters. I didn't plan to stay up--I really didn't have that much work to do--but it just got past the point of no return (aka 3 hours til time to wake up) and I knew that it was a bit late to be considering sleep. purty soon I'm headed out to IHOP for their early bird special. and coffee. oh, yes. there will be coffee up in there.

josh and I signed the lease on the apartment, yay! and get this: it ordinarily goes for $660 per month and we got it for $599. sooo sweet. it seems like a wonderful community, and for even less money than I paid at lake's edge.

now if only I can get a job to go with it. I'm visiting the happy folks at career development at 10 today. please, please, PLEASE let them have some helpful advice!

that stint writing "warren street" (the short story) really whet my appetite for doing some creative writing. problem is, I've yet to have any more good ideas. typing out that fucker was seriously better than any sex, drugs, food, anything I've ever had. it's an addictive high, too. I just hope that inspiration strikes again; for now all I can do is keep paring away at "warren street." at least it's getting some much needed fine tuning.

word to the wise: whenever you get overtired to the point of hysteria, do NOT put "ride of the valkyries" on your winamp playlist. when it came on I doubled over laughing just long enough to be declared legally insane.

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