Wednesday, April 9

it's been a kooky day. slept in today, but made up for it by reading and taking notes on 150 pages, scheduling my appt. with career development, and writing parts of two research papers. oh, and. I had this random idea for a short story while I was out today, so I decided to come back and make some notes on it. I stayed parked at the computer until I had churned out a complete 2400 word story that I feel is pretty fucking good. could even be filmed someday. it needs work, but it's one of the best things I've ever done. not that that's saying much.

if only I felt so inspired to write my one-act play. I have to churn out at least one more scene before thursday morning. talk about something going nowhere.

oh, cassie called tonight! she might be coming in for graduation, and I hope she makes it. she's still without a job, although who am I to talk. I really, really hope that the career development folks sense my desperation and help me dig something up. at least I have my graduation money to cover my ass, but I don't want to have to do that. I'd like to start saving some money back.

I'm so sick of the nasty cold rain. o terrible clouds, I demand that ye lift!

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