Thursday, May 15

ah, the joys of "nature's air conditioned city!" I'm having a swell time watching reruns and scarfing crap. tonight I've managed to put away reese's bites, two hot dogs, some beef jerky, two popsicles, fruit by the foot, and quite a lot of gummi bears. all washed down with dr. pepper. my periodic intense cravings for dr. pepper are, like my attraction to david faustino, something that I will never completely understand. now I just have to decide if I want to start in on the hostess donuts and risk being violently ill.

Q: why is tv land the best network ever?
A: macguyver reruns. I really have to get cable at my apartment.

funniness at wal-mart tonite: there was a very trailer trash chic couple in front of me in line. in addition to their groceries, there was a leopard print negligee for her (I suppose) and a pair of iridescent blue boxers for him. I had to choke back an urge to walk up, nudge them, and mutter, "send me the reprints, ay? ay?" upon going to my car I spotted them sucking face in their s-10 pickup.

I can only hope that their case of dog food won't be a factor in their exploits.

got an e-mail from letter arts book club today. the position I applied for has been filled. sigh. well, it wasn't one I wanted much anyway. still. I keep having to tell myself, "you're not a bum. bums don't actively look for jobs." I figure I have enough socked away to sit on my ass all summer and wait for the perfect job to come along, but I just can't do that. come june, mickey d's, here I come.

think I might pour another pepper and take a bath.

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