Wednesday, March 31

oh, what a world. tonight at work wasn't too bad, but last night I was there for over 12 hours thanks to our lovely computer issues. at least I used the down time to sit at my desk and write dirty limericks about my co-workers.

I'm ill. josh is also ill, but whatever it is seems to be making the rounds so I can't hold him responsible. incredibly painful sore throat and aches. I'll go to the doc's in a couple of days if I don't perk up; could be strep.

tonight I advanced the theory that tv weathermen should work on commission. payment per correct forecast. now, I'm well aware that meteorologists essentially just pass along the messages given to them by their high tech equipment and shouldn't necessarily be held personally accountable for poor forecasting. however, I still think it would do the viewing public a lot of good to know that these false prophets are suffering for misleading the masses. I know I'd enjoy it.

spent waaaaay too much money yesterday. buffy season two, a light for dario, and a dvd recorder. that last one was semi-unplanned, but circuit city had the same one that I'd seen at wal-mart for over $100 less. just because it was a floor model and didn't have a box. screw the box--it works beautifully regardless.

and now for two magical foreign words: sauterne and shiatsu. best way to round off an evening.

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