Wednesday, February 26

I'm all tired and shit and should be in bed, so just a quick post before I sleep. it's good to be back, I guess, but it continues to be tough holding it all together. I actually see ernest at one tomorrow; I'm anxious to see what he has to say about my problems. tomorrow's a full day, meeting after meeting and mid-term crap and a paper. wednesday I usually get to rest. sigh.

had a nice dinner at vito's with charles, then back here to watch "notorious c.h.o." his relatives are giving him a really hard time. they want to sell his dad's house (which HE inherited, along with the car and the plane and various other assets that people would love to get their greedy hands on), and are making all these decisions about what's to be done about this and that and not giving him any input. I keep telling him to be more forceful. he's been very anxious lately, and I told him that the perfect release would be to call some of those bitches and give them what-for. I'll do it myself if I have to--I think the situation pisses me off as much as it does charles. honestly I'm almost as irritated with him for not getting a friggin lawyer already, but that's neither here nor there.

bought the newer of the two rilo kiley albums today at gate city noise, also picked up the postal service album. both are astounding. I wish that the postal service was getting more QFS play; I haven't seen this week's charts, but I think it was #10 last week. college stations across america are recognizing--it's #1 on many charts I've looked at. even uber-anal gave it an 8.0. granted, on the whole QFS still kicks royal ass; our charts have much more good stuff and much less crap on them than most of the competitions'. so I won't bitch too much.

josh is one of the male nominees for student graduation speaker. needless to say, he's getting my vote. of course he's become a household name recently over his efforts to oust howard coble as guest speaker, which is why he'll get a lot of votes, but there are plenty of other good reasons. he's articulate, witty, ambitious, involved on campus, conscious of guilford values...and the fact that he's a quaker certainly doesn't hurt. take note, all ye fighting quakers/loyal blog readers!

ever been really tired and started shutting one eye then the other, alternating between the two? I'm doing that now. time to get the fuck in bed.

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